Day 4, Part 1 Release

Today’s release is only one chapter, adding 86k words. It covers time with your partner, or if you're single and still getting to know Haoyu, you can spend time with him. You can learn about their dealbreakers, why their last relationship ended, what their cooking skill is like and even their dietary preferences.

The playthrough is actually quite short in the grand scheme of things, but there are so many little variations on how the morning goes, depending on your prior choices, so I can’t wait to see what you think. 


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Mar 19, 2024


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I'm sorry, I'm using a translator to understand your comment and you haven't told me what part of the story you're referring to. However, at least for 'day 4, part 1' there's actually a stat called preference that affects some of the available scenes, which is gained or lost through each choice you make. I posted about it here and here on Tumblr, but if you want to confirm a specific scene, I do need to know the scene itself.